After the two-day Design Thinking training, you’re able to feel like your users are feeling. You’ll learn to get better at listening to your customers, and to turn their wishes into a product that truly makes a difference. Design Thinking is a collection of principles and methods that has been applied by designers for decades. Good designers continually put themselves in the shoes of the (future) users of their product. They explore their world and systematically analyse the way the product is used. Ever since the rise of Agile working, Product Owners and other substantive experts also have a responsibility to understand their customers, or multiple customer groups. To make your work easier, we at Gladwell Academy developed this course: Design Thinking for Agile Product Development.

Among other things, you’ll learn the theory behind design thinking and we’ll connect that to the application of the principles in an Agile team. The course is a well-balanced mix of cases, individual exercises, team exercises, and theory. The course will enable you to develop better and more creative solutions and innovate more quickly and with more success.


This course was developed for anyone who wants to grow in their role by learning to understand and apply the principles of design thinking. The course is especially well-suited to Scrum Masters, Product Managers, Customer Journey experts, entrepreneurs and Agile team members. On request, we organize trainings for Agile teams who want all its team members to become design thinkers together.